Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article seeks to substantiate the urgency of developing new directions in improving the economic security of the Russian Federation regions, the aim is to form and choosing the direction of increasing the economic efficiency of the security regions. The main objectives are to identify the main problems and threats to economic security and development of the regions in the directions of increasing the economic efficiency of the safety recommendations in the regions. We used methods: observation and collection of factors; historical and logical; analysis, synthesis and others. The result of the study is the formation of and the selected areas to increase the economic efficiency of the security areas, proposed measures for improving the economic security of the concept of regions.

economic security, the concept of economic security of the regions, the effectiveness of the economic security of regions, the problem of ensuring the economic security of regions, the risks and threats to the economic security of regions.
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Обеспечение экономической безопасности является важнейшей функцией государства, которая обеспечивает условия для реализации всех других функций. Особенно актуален вопрос обеспечения и поддержания экономической безопасности во время кризисов, так как угрозы и риски значительно возрастают, а механизмы их противодействия слабеют и перестают быть эффективными.


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