The article considers the system of general didactic, specifi c principles and criteria for the selection of the content of the emotional-value component (EVC) of the content of foreign language education. It is intended to facilitate the formation and development of students’ motivational and value orientations, emotional-volitional relationship and personal universal educational actions (UEA). In the description of the principles of selection of the content of foreign language education we have identifi ed information that is associated with the accentuation of individual (emotional-value and volitional) aspects of students’ perceiving diff erent linguistic culture and their experience in it. The system of principles and criteria for the selection of the content of EVC is the basis of the achievement of the objectives of modern foreign language education, ensuring the priority of its moral component. The backbone principle, performing the integrating and coordinating functions of the system, is the principle of conformity of the content of education (CE) to the requirements of the society, science, culture and personality development.
EVC of the content of foreign language education, general didactic, specifi c principles and criteria for the selection of the content of education, value orientations, emotional-volitional relationship, personal UEA.
Включение ЭЦК в систему компонентов содержания иноязычного образования меняет наши представления о том, какими должны быть его ценностно-смысловые приоритеты и каких целей оно должно достичь [3]. Поскольку
среди целей современного иноязычного образования равноценное положение наряду с качественной языковой подготовкой учащихся занимает изменение их мотивов и личностных позиций, формирование ценностных ориентаций
не только конкретной личности, но и общества в целом [1], насущным становится вопрос разработки принципов отбора содержания данного компонента.
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