Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Some elements of geometric objects’ parameterization theory are considered in this paper. An analysis of this theory development by leading Soviet scientists has been presented. It is known that figure’s parameters are determined by adding shape parameters with location parameters. In the drawing these parameters are expressed as dimensions. Relations between figures are determined or by their mutual affiliation, or by perpendicularity, or by their touch. These ratios allow reduce dimensions number on a drawing. The link of the parameterization theory with creation of parametric drawings has been demonstrated in the considering work. Definitions for such concepts as parameter and parametric drawing have been given. A various geometric figures’ parameters calculation principle has been considered. The order of assignment in parametric form of different geometrical objects (point, straight line), as well as any figure’s position in space has been presented. Assignments of geometrical conditions for membership, parallelism, perpendicularity, contact by parameters have been considered. A detailed description for parametric drawing in "KOMPAS-Graphic" program has been presented. Advantages and features related to carrying out of parametric fragments (with geometric and dimensional dependencies) and drawings in this program for various industries have been laid in detail. Some features and approaches in carrying out parametric drawings and fragments, which worthwhile to apply for different modifications of items when needed to creat group drawings, have been proposed for consideration. Traditional methods for creation of the group drawings using CAD systems effectively increase intellectual work’s performance. The CAD systems capabilities use will enable designers to implement various ways and possibilities comprehensively for creation and presentation of graphic information.

parameters, form parameters, position parameters, geometric objects, "KOMPAS-Graphic", parameterization, associativeness, computer technology, parametric drawing.

При разработке конструкторской документации возникает необходимость вносить изменения в конструкцию детали, размеры, особенно при выполнении нового изделия. Это становится возможным путем создания параметрического чертежа этой детали.


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