Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
New as well as already known methods for detection of singular points on a plane curve and for this curve’s smoothness confirmation have been considered in the present paper. Our approach based on the plotting of tangent straight lines to the curve, which pass through distinguished points out of the curve. At the singular point of the curve many such lines intersect each other, because of this it is possible quickly identify the singular point on the convex curve. In general, the number of real tangent lines depends on the distinguished point on the plane. However, the existence of at least one singular point in the algebraic curve imposes a restriction on the algebraic equation determining the set of tangent lines passing through the distinguished point of the plane. So a plane algebraic curve’s smoothness checking reduces to checking the incompatibility of a linear equation system. On the other hand, it’s possible to generate the tangent lines graphically. So generation of real tangent lines allows prove the absence of not only real but also complex singular points on the projective curve, which in any case would not belonged to the real plane. This demonstrates the effectiveness of graphical methods for complex geometry’s tasks solution. The method allows the direct generalization to the multidimensional case, which is important for combinatorial problems solution. In the case, it is necessary to consider not separate tangent lines, but cones with vertices at different points in space. Search for singular points is also important for solution the problems of machine vision, including detection of an obstacle’s corner by means of the frame sequence obtained with one camera on a moving vehicle.

plane curve, singular point, tangent line, convex domain, pattern recognition, machine vision.


Если плоская кривая C задана известным алгебраическим уравнением, то поиск особой точки сводится к решению системы алгебраических уравнений от двух переменных. Исключение одной переменной сводит решение этой системы к поиску корней многочлена от одной переменной. Для аппроксимации корней известны эффективные алгоритмы [14]. Исключение одной из двух переменных легко выполняется алгоритмами, основанными на вычислении базиса Гребнера [25] и реализованными во многих пакетах программ для символьных вычислений [13], например, можно использовать облачный сервис MathPartner [10]. Также известны другие методы, обзор которых сделан в работе [27].


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