Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Formation of the identity of the preschool child as show the researches of domestic and foreign scientists is caused by acquisition and accumulation of subject experience. The most favorable period of active entry of the child into the social world – the period of the preschool childhood. It is the period of formation of outlook, awakening of esthetic and moral senses, development of art thinking, formation of a subject position of children of preschool age. Experience is not only included into structure of the personality, but also makes complete education as actually got experience is lived by the personality, is realized by her and missed through itself. Thanks to development and assignment of the experience developed by mankind there is a development of the child.

subject experience, metaknowledge, abilities, relation,art thinking.
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Ученые рассматривают психическое развитие дошкольника как процесс приобретения, сохранения и изменения опыта в ходе активного взаимодействия ребенка с окружающим миром (А.С. Белкин, Л.С. Выготский, А.Н. Леонтьев, А.А. Люблинская, В.С. Мухина, В.Н. Мясищев).


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