Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The implementation of strategic programs play an important role in the socioeconomic policy of municipalities, regions and the country as a whole, is a means to achieve sustainable socio-economic development of territories. Implementation of the strategic programs is divided into several stages, each the of stage introduction is one of the main stages of implementation. It includes embodiment and implementation of the developed strategic programs under constant the current control. The purpose of this article is a comprehensive review of the stage the introduction of implementation the strategic program and proposals for improvement of this stage, in order to increase the effectiveness of implementation. At the moment, to the stage the introduction of implementation the strategic program is paid very little attention, it is the least structured and poorly known the implementation stage . These facts impact negatively on the effectiveness of the implementation of strategic programs and sustainable socio-economic development of the municipality. The author proposes the developed timesheet of realization of strategic programs in the coherence with the diagram control of the implementation of strategic programs of the municipality. This will allow to improve the efficiency implementation of strategic programs and will provide sustainable socio-economic development of the municipality.

implementation of strategic programs, efficiency, socio-economic development, sustainability, municipality, the timesheet of realization, the diagram control the implementation.
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Реализация стратегических программ — это средство, позволяющее повысить устойчивость социально-экономического развития территории, что служит одной из основных ценностей реализации стратегических программ как средства территориального управления.

Каждая реализация стратегических программ в процессе осуществления проходит несколько этапов: научно-исследовательский, прогнозно-аналитический, организационно-правовой, внедренческий и коррекционно-завершающий.


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