Institute of Business Management and Economy, Siberian Federal University (Business-informatics Department, senior teacher)
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The article gives the requirements for pupils to interactive work, defi ned on the basis of the features analysis of the organization of independent work of elementary school. Interactive tests on informatics and IT are developed for elementary school according to the approximate program; a set of interactive work includes 15 tasks for independent work of elementary school pupils. As the tool for tasks development is chosen. This service is quite simple for independent development, has ample opportunities, instant check of correctness of performance of a task, has a possibility of embedding of a task for html, and also convenience of navigation. Methodical recommendations are developed for the teacher of use of interactive tasks exercise machines at the organization of independent work of elementary school pupils at a lesson and at home.
interactive jobs, job trainer,, informatics, independent operation, elementary school, methodical recommendations.
Современное общество постепенно переходит на новый этап развития — информационный. Процесс информатизации общества затрагивает и образование на всех его ступенях. Информатизация образования — это процесс обеспечения сферы образования методологией и практикой разработки и оптимального использования современных средств ИКТ.
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