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Abstract (English):
Application personnel marketing in the modern companies can help to find coordination between market conditions, interests of the organization and opportunities, and also desires of employees. With respect thereto urgent is a problem of development and implementation in management practice of the marketing program of personnel. In article approaches of researchers in the area personnel marketing are considered, the conclusion is drawn on a marketing role in case of the solution of questions of personnel management which consists in the choice of cost-efficient and socially justified personnel management methods. The model of system of marketing of personnel is also in detail provided, system elements personnel marketing, and also the main tools and these activities are opened. In article results of an empirical research of system of marketing of personnel are given in 10 large retail chain stores of the city of Novosibirsk. The conclusion is drawn on feasibility of development and implementation of the comprehensive program of marketing of personnel. The main effects of implementation of the Marketing program of personnel are given in short-term and long-term prospects.

marketing of personnel, personnel marketing, marketing program of personnel, development of the marketing program of personnel, essence of marketing of personnel.
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Актуальность исследования, посвященного теме разработки программы маркетинга персонала, подтверждает тот факт, что использование персонал-маркетинга в современных компаниях может помочь найти согласование между рыночными условиями, интересами организации и возможностями, а также желаниями сотрудников.


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