Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A recent discernible trend towards complication of legislative regulation of public relations and an active role of law-enforcement activity in interpretation of law under conditions of harmonization of the European law dictate the need of consideration of key issues of interrelation of court practice and the legislation not only on the basis of national law, but also taking into account a rich foreign experience. Both the European and the national legal doctrine treat court practice as an independent object of legal research. The issues of judicial rule-making are solved differently in doctrinal researches of various countries, which is caused both by legal traditions of specific system of justice development, and current development needs specific national systems of law. Identification of legal forms of interrelation of law-enforcement practice and the legislation makes it possible to formulate and understand, from the methodology point of view, significant principles and mechanisms of their interaction to determine efficient legal models of development of the legislation and the law-enforcement activity within a legal framework.

legislature, law enforcement practice, court practice in the system of private law, legislation development factors.

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