Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper, the legal nature of the qualifying examination as a condition for obtaining the status of Ukrainian lawyer is analysed. The article reveals the theoretical approaches and norms both the Ukrainian legislation and the legislation of foreign countries (France, Germany), and regulatory issues of the lawyer qualification examination. The article questiones the usefulness of the qualification examination in accordance with the procedure which it has under the Ukrainian legislation currently, including working out the exam until the person obtains necessary internship. The article substantiates the position that the Ukrainian legislator should change their attitude towards the first (“introductory”) qualifying exam of the Bar (until the person obtains the necessary internship). It is pointed out that the purpose of this test is to check not only professional skills of the applicant to receive the status of the lawyer (but only to determin the level of his (her) general theoretical knowledge both in the field of law and bases of advocacy), but also its moral and ethical level (in particular, passing the psychological test). The article substantiates the position that the applicant for the status of Ukrainian lawyer shall also be the entrance and the second «prom» qualifying examination, but after obtaining the necessary internship. The paper notes that the purpose of such examination must be to test readiness of a person to practice law by him (herself).

lawyer, advocacy, the acquisition of the status of lawyer, lawyer qualifying exam.

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