The article discusses the problem of interpretation of the provisions of the European Convention on human rights by European Court of Human Rights, as well as the development of dialogue between judges of different levels, aimed at the formation of the European “common” law. Placing at the forefront the principle of the rule of law as the basis for all the guarantees of human rights, the author substantiates the necessity of the interaction of various levels courts, based on mutual respect, dialogue of the courts, what will undoubtedly lead to the enrichment of the legal system, searching for the most complete and effective regulation of social relations. According to the author, the effectiveness of interaction between courts is based primarily on a shared understanding of the importance of the activities of ECtHR judges in the development of common approaches to the protection of human rights and consolidation of the efforts in search of forming a common legal space. Using the example of some cases considered by the ECtHR, the article illustrated the options of interaction of the Court with national courts. The article reveals some problematic issues in the activity of the ECtHR, in particular the lack of involvement the principle of harmonious interpretation.
European Convention on human rights, European Court of Human Rights, justice, rule of law, national courts, interpretation, dialogue, enforcement discretion.
1. Plomer A. A Foetal Right to Life? The Case of Vo v. France, Human Rights Law Review. 2005. Vol. 5. Iss. 2.