Analyse of dynamics of the informatization at the cultural institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is considered, especially at the museums and libraries in modern conditions of globalization. The statistical data obtained during the complex research conducted by the Ministry of Culture and spiritual development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the “ARCTIC”, Institute of humanitarian researches and problems of small peoples of the North, the Arctic state institute of culture and arts in 2015 are provided. Informatization of cultural institutions is considered in article as a factor of change of system qualities of the culture, its structure, the subject — the object relations. Scale of impact the Internet on modern culture is shown. Special research attention of authors are indicators of cultural informatization: as a ratio of number of computers to number of persons employed, first of within museums, libraries, cultural and leisure organizations, availability of electronic libraries, information systems, ICT – competence of personnel of culture.
informatization of culture, cultural and leisure organizations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), museums of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), electronic catalogs, electronic libraries, ICT competence of specialists
Информатизация учреждений и направлений культурной деятельности имеет свою уже сложившуюся историю, динамику развития и нишу в научном поле. На сегодня существует значительное число публикаций по информатизации культуры [1; 7; 9–11 и др.], проведены исследования федерального и республиканского масштаба [3; 4 и др.]. Однако работ, охватывающих весь спектр информатизации учреждений культуры или какой-то один тип, например, «зрелищных» или «институтов памяти», фактически нет.
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