Barnaul, Barkaul, Russian Federation
The article analyzes trends in the formation of party lists at elections of State Duma deputies of the Russian Federation in the regions of Western Siberia. The significance of this direction of party work is outlined, associated with the personalization of politics in the information society, the transformation of the party representative functions in the function "lift", the spread of inclusive parties for which the composition of the candidates substitute markers of the social base. On the basis of the social composition of candidates for the State Duma in 2016, the deputies are nominated by party lists, and comparing it with the figures in 2011, some conclusions about the preservation of personnel potential difference of parliamentary and non-parliamentary parties are made, as well as about the absence of serious human resources in new parties to ensure their competitiveness in the electoral field, the real actions of the parliamentary parties to renew its membership candidates, as well as to strengthen the "local" factor in the nomination of candidates at the regional level. The results can be tested on materials of other regions and used in the analysis of the personnel policy of modern Russian parties.
political parties, electoral process, personnel policy, party elite, Western Siberia
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