Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
New composite materials call for a new approach to the nondestructive testing. The goal of this article is to show the advantages of shearography in comparison with other testing methods. The article describes the main principles of shearography as one of the interferometric methods. Applying various types of loading (thermal, mechanical, vibration, pressure, etc.) makes it possible to visualize various types of defects. High sensitivity and operativeness of the noncontact method, possibility of using many types of loading on the tested samples, non-contact testing of the object in question, and the possibility of testing large areas simultaneously determine the main advantages of the shearography method. The authenticity of the flaw detection grows when use is made of loading that resembles the operating conditions of the objects, which makes it possible to estimate the defect behavior in the specific operating conditions. The article provides the reader with an account of the main types of equipment, its limitations and features. Applications of shearography enable the user both to substantially optimize and check-out the production and monitor the objects in operation. Shearography can also serve as an input testing tool.

shearography, composites, nondestructive testing, interferometric method, disbond, delamination

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