A process of the functioning of a system of automated parts assemblage can be presented in a phase space. Any way of assemblage, irrespective of a struc-tural scheme, physical nature of power impacts, a method of parts motion control is characterized by a motion of assembly components throughout a path of combination. Hence, the coordinates of position adap-tation and their derivatives allow obtaining a common geometrical image of an assembly system. A state of the relative position and orientation of parts connected in a phase space at any time period during an operation is shown by phase trajectories. A value set of initial mismatch of parts condi-tions on a set of phase trajectories, that is, a phase portrait of an adaptation method under consideration. A graphical image of changes in the state of a common position of parts allows introducing quantitative criteria for the evaluation of the quality of this method and, therefore, for the comparative analysis of different methods.
automated assemblage, adaptation coordinate of part position, criteria of effectiveness evaluation, mathe-matical modeling, transition process, process of functioning, phase-plane portrait, phase space
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