Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently the educational process in high school needs improvement of forms and methods for analyzing the student´s state of adaptation to the learning process, since intellectualization and intensification of the educational process, significant changes in the system of higher education, increasing the rhythm of life greatly increase the burden on students. Identification of factors that influence the process of students’ social adaptation in high school, is of great importance for the effective management of the process of students’ adaptation, since only purposeful managerial influence on these factors will ensure the effectiveness of the adaptation process. The article reveals the issues of formation of adaptive processes indicators, as the most important stage of sociological informational and analytical support for the management adaptation, including the establishment of their mathematical forms, identification of the factor structure of the set of indicators and reducing dimensions. These questions have particular relevance in a wide spread of information technology, where researchers in the field of empirical sociology are turning to quantitative methods for the analysis of social processes, including effective methods of Data Mining. Methodology of indicators of adaptive processes was tested on the example of the data analysis of mass polls of adaptation factors of students in 2000s and 2010s in the college environment.

social adaptation, informational and analytical support, adaptation process, management adaptation, Data Mining, Methodology of Data Mining, factor analysis, latent factor, indicator

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