The legislation in force imposes certain requirements for the organization of work of personnel services of state bodies and local self-government bodies on prevention of corruption and other offences, creating conditions that exclude the possibility of corrupt behaviour of state and municipal employees. Currently, the legal system of combating corruption is improving; new prohibitions and restrictions related to the passage of state and municipal services are introducing; the control over compliance with the legislation is enhancing; importance of the commissions on observance of requirements to staff behavior of state civil (municipal) staff and conflict of interests is improving. The anti-corruption issues are in the focus of law enforcement and regulatory authorities, the media and the public. However, existing measures are not enough. One of the reasons for the unsuccessful fight against corruption, according to the author, is a significant gap between the declared principles and real embodiment in practice. Continues the practice of appointing officers based on personal loyalty and loyalty to his superiors, violations of tender procedures, evaluation of activities of state and municipal employees does not depend on the level of their professional knowledge and competence, and the position of leadership, the presence of related and friendly relations. On the example of Komi Republic the article considers the issues of regulating the procedure of organization and conducting of a special psychophysiological researches with polygraph use, evaluated its role in reducing corruption in the system of state and municipal management.
anti-corruption, civil service, municipal service, personnel technology, the polygraph.
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