The article deals with the definition and operationalization of the concept of "social risk". The definition of "social risk" refers to an adverse event for the people, which is both natural and social origin. The emergence of natural hazard occurs in all spheres of society in the context of a particular culture. Social practice prediction and risk prediction require reference to the study of the theory of the situation in which the formation of new socio-cultural practices of the Russian Federation. The reform of the Russian higher education is largely due to the state of risk of the Russian society, vital landmarks of population and state of social tension in which is a certain part of the population. Social risk causes changes and first of all education models. The article presents an analysis of the reform process of higher education in post-Soviet period. Empirical studies reveal an array of social factors of risk reform of higher education and present a predictive analysis of the situation in the Higher School of transit conditions for tier education system, taking into account national peculiarities, traditions and values of the population.
social risk, transitive period, professional stratification, social factors of reformation, tier system of education
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