Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The welfare state and its constant development accompanied by the appearance of new characteristics or changing old require to update scientific approaches to this phenomenon. The author researches existing approaches to the allocation of signs of the Welfare state. The article proposes a new system of formal legal criteria of the welfare state, which allows to determine the social orientation of the state excluding quantitative economic and social indicators. The author includes following criteria: 1) implementation of the principle of the social state; 2) reflected in the constitution of the list of social rights; 3) characteristics of the constitutional status of social rights; 4) enabling of the application of international law in the national legal system; 5) legislative consolidation of state duties in the social sphere and the mechanism of their implementation; 6) constitutional recognition of legal guarantees for the implementation of social rights (standards, specifying the general requirements for the economic structure of the state, taxation, redistribution processes); 7) legislative concretization of the mechanism of realization of social rights; 8) constitutional recognition of the special institutions, typical of the welfare state; 9) the presence of specific public authorities and other structural elements; 10) consolidation of the rule of law; 11) the status of social legislation. The proposed system of criteria based on international indicators of quality of life, takes into account the historical experience of the formation of the social state.

welfare state, indicators, functions, attributes, criteria, features, objects.

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