Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to identify the best pigs hygienic conditions through the effective functioning of the systems provide controlled microclimate in the buildings. Comparative evaluation of fattening and meat qualities of pigs depending on hygienic conditions of detention were held in Meleuz (group 1), Belebeevsky (group 2) and Ilichesky (group 3) pig farms of LLC «Bashkir bacon». To conduct research in these enterprises on the principle of analogues with regard to origin, age and live weight were formed the experimental group of weaned piglets of Large white breed 25 heads. The studies were conducted at identical feed the background with the use of full-feed in a stack according to the age and breeding programs. In all groups feed was used the same batch of manufacture. The feed consumption was determined according to the group based on the actual amount of feed consumed during the period of fattening. Studies have shown that zoo-hygienic conditions of breeding and fattening to a certain extent, affect not only the intensity of increase in live weight, but also on fattening and meat quality of pigs. It was found that the identified zoohygienic parameters do not have a significant negative impact for the hygienic characteristics of raw meat. The results of author´s research as well as recommendations developed on the basis of the conducted research, adopted for implementation in the units of LLC «Bashkir bacon». The data below show that the index of massiveness that reflect the main feature of the habitus, in pigs of group I was higher than in group II at 2.0% and III – by 3.7%.

meat, slaughter, zoohygiene, weight, hulk, slaughteral, market weight

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