Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the author´s point of view on the problematic issues of judicial discretion within the framework of implementation of the principle of justice with regard to law enforcement practice of courts of General jurisdiction. The goal of the study is the actualization of theoretical provisions and making recommendations for improving the effectiveness of fair practice purposes of criminal punishment. The author considers judicial discretion from the standpoint of the relativity of freedom of choice in judicial decision making, which is conditional and limited, as it is done within the suggested limits of the criminal statute, or is done within the limits, directly or indirectly determined by the science of criminal law, or jurisprudence, but at the same time all variants are equally legitimate and justified. The article provides the results of a regional study of the practice of criminal sentencing with the use of systemic-structural, concrete sociological, statistical methods of scientific cognition, and comparative analysis, analysis of legislation and judicial practice.

the principle of justice, the concept of a fair trial, punishment, judicial discretion, the identity of the defendant.

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