Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
In the paper there is considered a problem of properties heterogeneity in a terminal pair under conditions of computer-aided manufacturing. It is emphasized that this circumstance results in decrease of stability and quality of machining on the whole. The existence of tolerances for the content of chemical elements in steel is caused by a complexity in control of metallurgical processes. It is offered to use a parameter of thermo-electromotive force of a terminal pair “tool-blank” obtained in strictly definite modes of a calibrating cut for the further definition and optimization of cutting modes for machining. Drawbacks and possible variants for their solution at the realization of a method to measure cutting-electromotive force under production conditions are emphasized. A complex approach to the assessment of the influence of cutter geometrical parameters and technological factors of production upon the value of a thermo-electromotive force signal of a natural thermocouple “tool-part” is presented. It is established experimentally the influence of the antiwear coating state upon a thermo-electromotive force signal.
thermo-electromotive force, cutter, durability, wear flat face, cutting modes.
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