Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective of research: to study local irritative effects of drugs Aversect Forte and Aversect Kombi applied to the skin and conjunctiva. Materials and methods: Research was conducted on white outbred male rats, which were divided into five groups of 6 rats each. Rats from the first and second groups received Aversect Forte (Ivermectin+Abamectin) at a single dose of 5000 and 10000 mg/kg, respectively. Aversect Combi (Ivermectin + Aversectin С1) was applied singly at the same doses to rats from the third and fourth groups. Forming (shape-generating) mixture at a dose of 10000 mg/kg was applied to the animals of the fifth group which served as controls. The local irritative effects of Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi applied to the conjunctiva of rabbits was also investigated. We applied one drop of tested drugs to the lower conjunctival sac of the right eye; the left served as control. Aversect Forte was instilled to rabbits in the first and second groups. The first group of animals received the drug without the followed rinsing with distilled water, and the second — with the followed abundant rinsing. In the same way, we instilled Aversect Combi to rabbits from the third and fourth groups. Within two weeks we registered every day the general health status of animals in the first and second groups, their behavioral features, coordination of movements, consumption of food and water; we also carefully examined the eye condition taking into account the specific features such as redness, swelling, blear-eyedness, discharges, reaction of iris to light, pathological changes of the cornea. Results and discussion: It was found, that Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi have moderate irritative effects on conjunctiva, supposed due to ethanol contained in both preparations. The full recovery of eye health occurs on the 7th day. Rinsing with water at once after using the preparations diminishes their irritative effects and accelerates the process of recovery. Aversect Forte and Aversect Combi do not have irritative effects and do not cause functional skin disorders.

local irritative effect, avermectins, application, Aversect.


Авермектины — макроциклические лактоны, продуцируемые грибами Streptomyces avermitilis. Препараты на их основе занимают одно из центральных мест во всем мире среди современных противопаразитарных средств. Данные лекарственные средства обладают высокой инсекто-, акаро- и нематодоцидной активностью. Разработка новых, безопасных лекарственных форм на основе авермектинов имеет большое практическое значение для лечения и профилактики паразитарных болезней сельскохозяйственных и домашних животных.

Новые лекарственные средства нуждаются в тщательной и всесторонней оценке их безопасности. Изучение их местно-раздражающего действия является необходимым этапом доклинического контроля [2].


Целью наших исследований было определение возможных местно-раздражающих реакций при нанесении на кожу и слизистую глаза новых, комбинированных, противопаразитарных препаратов на основе авермектинов — аверсекта форте и аверсекта комби.


1. MU 1.2.1105-02. Otsenka toksichnosti i opasnosti dezinfitsiruyushchih sredstv. Metodicheskie ukazaniya МУ 1.2.1105-02. [Evaluation of toxicity and danger of desinfectants. Methodical guidelines], 2002.

2. Rukovodstvo po provedeniju doklinicheskih issledovaniy lekarstvennyh sredstv. Chast’ pervaya [Handbook of conducting preclinical trials of pharmaceuticals. Part one]. M, Grif and K publ., 2012.

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