Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the past decade is widely discussed the problem of geometric and graphic training of students of technical universities in Russia. In 1980-2005 arose contradictions between traditional and innovative methods of teaching for descriptive geometry and engineering graphics. This marked the article Professor P.A. Tunakov, in which descriptive geometry was carried to a dying science. This radical statement in subsequent years was supported by V.A. Rukavishnikov [15; 16] and A.L. Kheifets. An additional impetus to discussions was given by the developers of the Federal state educational standards of higher education (FSES), which declared the competence approach to the process of learning and evaluation of knowledge of graduates. Introduction in educational process of computer graphics and the appearance of technologies of 3D modeling prompted some representatives of the departments of engineering graphics towards the radical statements: • descriptive geometry as a graphic discipline became "moribund", "morally obsolete"; • it is necessary to refuse from the method of projection, as "fundamentally important is a matter of conformity to the dimension of the three-dimensional computer model and the modeled object". The article proves the incorrectness of these statements. History and background of transformation of the descriptive geometry in the engineering geometry are shown: 1) references to the dynamics of change subjects of presentations at the Moscow seminars on descriptive geometry and on engineering graphics during 1944–1965; the themes of dissertations on the specialty 05.01.01 engineering geometry and computer graphics (up to 1977 – applied geometry and engineering graphics); 2) the requirements of competence-based learning model to establish: • intrasubject links (combination of synthetics and analytical methods of problem solving); • interdisciplinary connections by expanding the subject of the discipline of the multidimensional shapes; 3) the incorrectness of opposing the "by the radicals" of 2D and 3D models, for they are complementary the types of modeling single method of two images.

descriptive geometry, engineering geometry, modeling, synthetic and analytical methods, multidimensional forms.

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