Some features of heating and melting iron-rich pellets (IRP) by the method of charging the pellets through the axial ducts of electrodes are considered. When using this system of supplying iron ore raw materials through the holes in the electrodes, loose pellets fall into the impact zone of the electric arcs on the melt that ensures a high speed of their fusion. At the same time the technical-and-economic indices of the electrosmelting in the electric arc furnace (EAF) are improved. The use of the fueloxygen burners allow optimizing the IRP melting process im-proving the slagging conditions, heating, metal decarburization with post-combustion of final burning gases (CO, H2, etc.) in the arc furnace.
metallized pellets, electrofusion, electrode, arc fur-nace, gas post-combustion, electric arc burner.
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