The article provides general characteristics of legal acts regulating the rule making process in the Republic of Belarus and reveals drawbacks that are subject to rectification as part of further improvement of rule-making. The author justifies the position that monitoring of legislation and law enforcement is an integral component of law making that permits to assess efficiency of legal and regulatory framework and optimize both rule making and law enforcement activity. Nevertheless, among the sources regulating certain stages of rule-making process in the Republic of Belarus, there are no regulatory legal acts that would envisage the necessity to carry out legal monitoring (monitoring of legislation and law enforcement) and set forth its procedure. At the same time the Republic of Belarus has enough potential to form an appropriate system to monitor legislation and law enforcement and enshrine it at the regulatory level. Taking these circumstances into account, the author outlines proposals relating to conceptual content (meaning) of regulatory legal acts on the basis of which the author intends to introduce the institute of legal monitoring into the practice of rule-making authorities (executive officers) in the Republic of Belarus.
Law making, rule-making process, rule-making activity, law enforcement, regulatory legal act, legal analysis, criminological analysis, legal monitoring.
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