Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Revealing the legal nature of criminal procedural coercion, the author recognizes its dependency on the procedural obligations of the parties to the judicial procedure which, being enshrined in the existing law, form a model of proper behavior and determine the kind, scope and content of possible and necessary force in criminal proceedings. On this basis the author analyzes the procedure presented in the science, definition of the concept and system of criminal procedural coercion and concludes about the multidimensionality of understanding the procedural coercion and the need for its research in three areas: 1) theoretical concept explaining this phenomenon from the standpoint of social significance, and expressing a certain vision of this phenomenon in the relevant historical period; 2) as legal education covering a specific set of legal provisions governing compulsion in criminal proceedings, and that are in line with the logical structure of the rules of law; 3) as a set of coercive measures envisaged by the Code of Criminal Procedure, the contents of which include on the one hand, real actions and/or decisions of officials, who apply coercion, and, on the other hand, procedural rights and obligations of participants who are exposed to compulsory coercion.

Criminal-procedural coercion, concept of procedural coercion, legal nature of coercion, coercive measure, rule of law, sanction, coercion.

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