Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the effectiveness of a homeowners association activity as a form of managing residential apartment buildings, explores the concept of a “management company”, “homeowners association”, the differences between these legal entities, develops proposals on increasing the effectiveness of the housing management system based on the principles of consolidation of efforts and resources of the state and public through the introduction of new management models, with the active participation of civil society institutions, proposals for licensing of homeowner associations, as well as the possibility of getting a qualification certificate for the Chairman of the Board of the homeowners association, attaching to the Chairman of the Board the status of the sole governing body not only in civil, but also in housing legislation. The author investigates innovations in housing and civil laws, submits proposals on improvement of legal institutions, improvement of legal engineering, analyzes the institute for state control over the homeowners association’s financial and economic activities.

Housing and communal services, financial-economic activity, homeowners association, management companies, Chairman of the Board, Board members, state control, licensing of activities in the field of housing and communal services.

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