The article criticizes the idea of territorial federalism and on the example of judicial power the author demonstrates that attempts to reduce the constitutional and legal status of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the level of administrative-territorial units only pursue the aim to divest them of state authority and property. In order to substantiate his point of view, the author analyzes the legal status of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and notes that judicial power is defined as their mandatory attribute. The author underlines social demand and necessity in founding and functioning of constitutional (charter) courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The author criticizes the draft law which proposes to exclude justices of the peace from the courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and grant them the status of federal courts. The author describes German experience, where constitutional justice is carried out as part of the model of a two-level constitutional control — by the Constitutional Court of the Federation and bodies of specialized constitutional justice of constituent entities as its integral part.
Federalism, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, judicial power, justices of the peace, constitutional courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
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