Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This scientific work analyzes the characteristics of vindication of specific things that are contributed to the Chartered capital of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The author critically assesses the doctrinal and judicial positions in relation to the commutative nature of contributions to the Chartered capital. The non-gratuitous nature of the contribution acquisition is artificial and unusual. The economic entity doesn’t provide the founder with the share in the Chartered capital as it does not possess it. The share is acquired by the founder by virtue of law in connection with the LLC state registration and is a converted contribution. In the light of the civil legislation reform in the Russian Federation and with regard to the English law particular attention is paid to understanding the bona fide of a legal entity through the behavior of its head. Under certain circumstances, it’s not reasonable to regard the head’s evil conscience as the will of the company. In case of a claim for the recovery of contributions to the Charter capital prior to the state registration of the Corporation in the register, the claim should be reported directly to the contributed assets, which are advisable to position as an “unused” contribution. The court must suspend the case until the establishment of a legal entity.

Vindication, contribution to the share capital, share in the chartered capital, additional contribution to the share capital, bona fide of the corporation.

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