Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the contents of the principle of inadmissibility of re-bringing to legal liability for the same offense; features of its implementation are shown, taking into account a combination of various types of legal liability. The analysis shows that the current legislation and practice in this area is not quite balanced, there are issues that need to be resolved. The author concludes that the implementation of principle of inadmissibility of re-bringing to legal liability for the same offense in law and practice is essential for the formation of the state as a legal and democratic, respectful of the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring their right to a fair trial. This principle should be fixed in acts of criminal, administrative and labor legislation, with a base value for the resolution of aspects of legal liability. As an example the author proposes to consolidate that principle in the law on legal acts.

Responsibility, repeated imposition of sanctions, offense.

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