from 01.09.2008 until now
Ufa (Respublika Bashkortostan), Ufa, Russian Federation
The aim of the study is to describe the religious component of the person’s worldview. The results of association experiments enable us to reconstruct the specifics of the actualization of the word’s psychological meaning in the individual’s linguistic consciousness. This approach is perspective in the study of associations for establishing the religious worldview in which the linguistic division of the world is correlated with the typology of associative fields. Language and religion, representing two different images of the world, have in their structure different content both by volume and the nature of the information, constituenting this knowledge and by its role and place in the structure of social consciousness. Language and religion are the ways of formation and existence of knowledge, and the combination of this knowledge of reality, formed in general consciousness is a worldview. In this material there is to show the mutual influence of religious and linguistic worldviews by identifying and partial description of the religious meaning of the word, which is defined as a content of a word, displaying in the mind of an individual and fixing in it the mystical views, based on the faith in supernatural forces and beings (gods, spirits). Subsequent stages of the study of the religious component in the mechanism of identification processes in the person’s linguistic consciousness involve a comparative study of verbal associations on the material of a number of Turkic languages.
world view, confessional identity, religious identification, religious knowledge/cognition, religious component, linguistic consciousness.
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