Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Today the system of mandatory pension insurance (MPI) lives and works according to standards and regulations prescribed by the reform of 2014- 2015. The main task of it is known to be a simultaneous solving two problems: securing fi nancial stability of the pension system (its zero defi cit) and raising the living standard and quality of life of both present-day and future pensioners. Hopes of the Russian society as a whole and the numerous army of Russian pensioners are closely associated just with solving those problems. On the basis of the duly carried out economic analysis the author has revealed the major diffi culties, negative factors and unsolved problems in realizing those goals. Besides he gives proof of being impossible to radical solve the problems of Russian pension system without transition to up-todate innovative economics.

a pension system, mandatory pension security, voluntary pension security, mandatory state pension insurance, voluntary pension insurance, non-state pension funds.

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