Object. The current state of the social and labour sphere in the context of economic growth due to factors independent of human potential and the conditions for their implementation in the workplace. The Subject of the Study — is the formation, development and manifestation of the aggregate potential of the workforce in terms of the market. The Purpose of the Study –is the factorial analysis and the identifi cation of the main trends of formation, development and use of social and labour potential in terms of economic instability. The Main Theoretical Aspects Theoretical and methodological problems of formation, development and use of social and labour potential in relation to the functioning of the labour market and employment are considered. Feedback eff ect between social, labour and economic growth potential has been marked, the consequences of the instability of economic development, having signifi cant infl uence on the conditions and possibilities of the formation, development and use of social and employment potential have been shown. The basic trends in the reproduction of labour power as a refl ection of the formation, development and use of social and employment potential have been revealed. The determining role of the labour market and employment, to ensure the process of reproduction of labour at all stages have been shown. The salary is of paramount importance it is the main item of labor costs, the main condition for employment and has a special place in the system of social and labor relations, which in terms of economic instability in many areas is much more complicated. It presents the scientifi c and methodological basis for regulation of wages on the principles of social partnership as the most fl exible mechanism that can take into account changes in market conditions and other macro- and microeconomic business environment. The necessity of wage growth as the main economic resource of households of diff erent sizes and compositions, especially having children in it composition who are a potential workforce. Priority directions of state and corporate social policy in relation to the economically active population as the main carrier of social and labour potential of society have been formulated. Ключевые слова: социально-трудовой потенциал, рабочая сила, воспроизводство, стандарты потребления, затра- ты на рабочую силу, заработная плата, потреби- тельский бюджет, ресурсы домашних хозяйств, социальные гарантии. Keywords
social and employment potential, workforce, reproduction, consumption standards, labour costs, wages, consumer budget, the resources of households, social guarantees.
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