Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the functions, the immediate tasks, the proposed structure, the organization of work of the recently formed new educational and methodical association (EMA) in the system of higher education for the enlarged group of specialties and areas 20.00.00 "Technosphere Safety and Environmental Engineering". The author briefly reviewed the history of formation and development of the EMA, gave an assessment of their legal status, which showed that they can be attributed to the state and public organizations, as they are specified in the Federal Law № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", introduced by the order of the federal executive authority (Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation), acting on the basis of developed standard statute specified by the Ministry, the standard statute of each EMA is approved by the Ministry, and its chairman is appointed by order of the Ministry. EMA implements the state policy in the sphere of education. The article outlines the key problems of the organization of activity of newly established EMA, the main of which consist in lack of financial and logistical support of their work. The question of the teaching materials’ examination for the courses and professions, within the competence of the EMA is also considered. It is proposed a roadmap of EMA activities and the main activities of its business units. The structure of the new exemplary basic educational program and exemplary discipline programs is proposed.

higher education, methodical and learning ware, public associations, safety in the technosphere, technosphere improvement, environmental protection, education, training, educational and methodical associations, educational standards, exemplary educational programs.
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Учебно-методические объединения в системе высшего образования

В 1987 г. министром высшего и среднего специального образования СССР Г.А. Ягодиным и начальником Учебно-методического управления по высшему образованию В.Н. Афанасьевым было принято решение о создании первых учебно-методических объединений (УМО) по группам родственных специальностей. Главными принципами при создании УМО вузов стали децентрализация власти, демократизация управления, повышение академических свобод вузов и их объединений. Эти принципы удалось реализовать уже в первом типовом положении об УМО, утвержденном приказом Минвуза СССР от 18 сентября 1987 г. № 650 «О создании учебно-методических объединений». В соответствии с этим положением УМО были наделены большой самостоятельностью в организации своей работы, которую возглавил ректор базового вуза.

На УМО была возложена функция подготовки предложений, связанных с реализацией единой политики в области образования и установлением единых требований к содержанию и уровню подготовки специалистов по направлениям и специальностям. Им же Минвузом СССР поручался целый ряд других функциональных обязанностей, связанных, прежде всего, с организационно-методическим обеспечением образовательной деятельности высших учебных заведений, а также редакционно-издательской, лицензионно-аккредитационной, аттестационной и сертификационной деятельности [1].


1. Korshunov S.V. Gosudarstvenno-obshchestvennye ob"edineniya v sisteme inzhenernogo obrazovaniya Rossii [Public associations in engineering education system of Russia]. Moscow, Izdvo MGTU im. N.E. Baumana Publ., 2005. 328 p. (in Russian)

2. Devisilov V.A. Genezis standartizatsii v oblasti bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel´nosti v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya [The genesis of standardization in the field of health and safety in higher education]. Materialy IVVserossiyskogo soveshchaniya zaveduyushchikh kafedrami vuzov po voprosam obrazovaniya v oblasti bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel´nosti i zashchity okruzhayushchey sreda i Yubileynoy uchebno-metodicheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 320-letiyu distsipliny «Bezopasnost´ zhiznedeyatel´nosti», 21-26 sentyabrya 2009 g. [Materials IVVserossiyskogo meeting of heads of departments of universities on education in the field of safety of life and protection of the environment and the Jubilee of educational-methodical conference on the 320th anniversary of the "Safety" discipline, 21-26 September 2009]. Moscow, MGTU im. N.E. Baumana Publ., 2009, pp. 50-72. (in Russian)

3. Devisilov V.А. Design Principles for a Tentative Curriculum and Educational Techniques in Life Safety. Safety in Technosphere [Bezopasnost´ v tekhnosfere]. 2009, I.4, pp. 22-33. (in Russian)

4. Devisilov V.А. Model programme of the discipline (course) "Life Safety" (Project) (For all spheres of high professional education - bachelors and specialists). Bezopasnost´ v tekhnosfere [Safety in Technosphere]. 2010, I.1, pp. 48-62. (in Russian)

5. Portal of Federal state educational standards of the higher education. Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/ppd/20110322122111.pdf (accessed 10 December 2015).

6. Site of the Safety in Technosphere magazine. Available at: http://magbvt.ru/files/programma_bgd.pdf (accessed 5 December 2015).

7. Devisilov V.А. The principles of educational programs and Teaching technologies for "Safety in Technosphere. Bezopasnost ´ v tekhnosfere [Safety in Technosphere]. 2010, I.6, p. 54-62. (in Russian)

8. Devisilov V.А. Content and technology of planning main educational programs at higher school (by the example of "Safety in techno sphere"). Bezopasnost´ v tekhnosfere [Safety in Technosphere]. 2010, I.5, p. 44-57. (in Russian)

9. Devisilov V.А., Pavlikhin G.P. Approximate basic educational program of the higher professional training in the course 280700 «Safety in technosphere» (bachelor). Bezopasnost ´ v tekhnosfere [Safety in Technosphere]. 2011, I.3, pp. 50-64. (in Russian)

10. Portal of Federal state educational standards of the higher education. Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/poops/1/27/20120123171628.pdf (accessed 10 December 2015).

11. Site of the Safety in Technosphere magazine. Available at: http://http://magbvt.ru/files/poop.pdf.pdf (accessed 5 December 2015)

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