from 01.10.2008 until now
Russian Federation
The famous phrase of M.V. Lomonosov: "Mathematics should be studied for it puts mind in order". It is quite possible to rephrase it for descriptive geometry, because geometry is math too. The invention of microprocessor technology, the advent of the personal computer, the discovery of the GMR effect (1988), which dramatically increased the speed and memory capacity of the PC, are called theSubject olympiads in descriptive geometry are held in many cities of Russia, including in Moscow. These olympiads, according to the author of the hundred-Tue, are an indicator of the quality of teaching in universities. Introduced by the author at the Moscow State Institute of Public Utilities (MIKHiS), and then at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov course of descriptive geometry, which allows to organize and algorithmization of the educational process, helped students teams of both universities without any special additional of preparation to take a pretty decent place at the Moscow city Olympiads on descriptive geometry. The structure of the basic course helped to organize and sturcture lecture material, which, in turn, allowed the entire amount of information to compress, in principle, by almost half, and reduce the number of hours of lectures from 32 to 18 without much loss. If current trends to cut a watch from the disciplines of engineering, it is the doubtless achievement. The use of this structure led to a positive effect: better memorization of the material, better absorption, which was identified with the participation of students who passed the course at the Moscow city Olympiads on descriptive geometry. The author developed the criterion of success of the team of students. The article contains the appropriate tables and charts. The article does not provide data later than 2013, as Moscow State Academy of Municipal Economy and Construction was disbanded in 2014 and included in Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. From the very beginning, the comparison of the two approaches in Moscow State Academy of Municipal Economy and Construction and in Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov was considered: traditional teaching descriptive geometry and proposed.
descriptive geometry, olympiad on descriptive geometry, subject olympiads, the quality of education.
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