Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Classical and innovative methods and instruments of recruitment which are used by international companies are discussed in the article. Role and signi­ cance of internal and external sources of suitable candidates is revealed by the example of company Cargill which has develop a-partnership with universities and other companies at the Krasnodar territory. On the basis of system approach the most e€ ective methods and instruments of recruitment are analyzed in the practice of leading international companies PampG, Nestle, PepsiCo and Cargill, L’oreal, ChupaChups. Among all recruitment stages the signi­ cance of candidate’s selection process is validated and most e€ ective instruments that provide a company with suitable specialists are de­ ned. The visualization of candidate’s selection process applied for Russian companies is suggested in the light of innovative instruments usage. The experience of international companies lead to the de­ nition of actual recommendations in the usage of innovative instruments in Russian companies.

HR-management, innovative methods and instruments in recruitment, international company, recruitment.

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