The further increase of the role of society’s globalization and informatization processes in the 21st century creates the need of management’s new paradigm formation in the frame of which mathematical methods and models will be widely used. Even today the information flow growing in a geometrical progression practically defies the full and timely analysis, wherefore it is very difficult to adopt optimum decisions based on logic and intuition. In this paper an example related to integration of methods of various sciences (psychology, philosophy, mathematics) for the purpose of creation of a model which will help to predict the expected variations of people’s behavior is considered. Having analyzed this paper’s data it is possible to draw the following conclusion: catastrophism application in management as the tool for forecasting of the population’s reaction on changes is expediently as this application gives the chance for creation of actual model for human behavior and stability perception by the people. Whereas it does possible a timely administrative reaction and facilitates a task for making of relevant decisions.
глобализация, информационные технологии, парадигма менеджмента, теория катастроф.
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