Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article determines the role of public and private partnerships in conditions of institutional reforms of modern Russia. The analysis of specific characteristics, the most important features, concepts and basic directions of realization of PPP projects allows to declare the effectiveness of this management institution. The authors demonstrated that a condition for the effectiveness of public-private partnership projects is the focus on the satisfaction of social needs on the basis of the connection of experience and resources of all entities of the PPP project, the implementation of cost-effective and socially significant risk project provided that the economic operators of high quality services. The authors proved that state intervention is aimed at reducing market failures related to the monopolization, lack of profitability of some significant activities, structural imbalances, etc. Developed backward and forward linkages are a prerequisite for identifying social needs and the degree of their satisfaction.

public and private partnership, institution, private sector, government, institutional reorganization

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