Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Monitoring thunderstorm activity can help you solve many problems such as infrastructure facility protection, warning of hazardous phenomena associated with intense precipitation, study of conditions for the occurrence of thunderstorms and the degree of their influence on human activity, as well as the influence of thunderstorm activity on the formation of near-Earth space. We investigate the characteristics of thunderstorm cells by the method of cluster analysis. We take the Vereya-MR network data accumulated over a period from 2012 to 2018 as a basis. The Vereya-MR network considered in this paper is included in networks operating in the VLF-LF range (long and super-long radio waves). Reception points equipped with recording equipment, primary information processing systems, communication systems, precision time and positioning devices based on global satellite navigation systems are located throughout Russia. In the longitudinal-latitudinal thunderstorm distributions of interest, the dependence on the location of recording devices might be manifested. We compare the behavior of thunderstorms on the entire territory of the Russian Federation with those in the Baikal natural territory. We have established the power of thunderstorms over the Baikal region is lower. The daily variation in thunderstorm cells we obtained is consistent with the data from other works. There are no differences in other thunderstorm characteristics between the regions under study. This might be due to peculiarities of the analysis method. On the basis of the work performed, we propose sites for new points of our own lightning location network, as well as additional methods of cluster analysis.

Ключевые слова:
thunderstorms, cluster analysis, lightning discharges
Список литературы

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