The paper is devoted to the peculiarities of the study of the microstructure of swelling sorbents (in particular, wood and its components) in comparison with rigid (carbon) sorbents on the basis of vapours sorption isotherms.
swelling, rigid sorbents, vapor sorption, sorption deformation
Wood and its main components (cellulose and lignin), and other plant materials are assigned to hydrophilic sorbents, the sorption of the vapours of water, alcohols and other hydrophilic sorbates with which exceeds hundred times the sorption of «standard» sorbates (nitrogen, benzene), which causes a considerable increase in their volume. The sorption behaviour of such swelling sorbents, in contrast to «rigid» sorbents, has two peculiarities, namely, dependence of the structural characteristics (specific surface and pore volume) on the «activity» of the sorbate, and retaining of the sorption hysteresis in the whole region of the sorption isotherm.
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