Каталитическая активность природных и модифицированных сорбентов, используемых в качестве наполнителей клеевых композиций
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Catalytic activity of natural and acid/alkali activated alumosilicates was studied by means of methylbutynol conversion. The changes in conversion were caused by the ratio of acidic and basic sites as a result of modification.

Ключевые слова:
catalytic test reaction, natural alumosilicates, acid and alkaline treatment, basic and acidic sites


Natural and synthetic polymers are used in gluing compositions not only as film-formers or binders but also as fillers, directionally changing such specific properties as material strength, flexibility, toughness, adhesion, haze, conductivity, and many others, as well as reducing the cost of the product [1]. Aluminosilicate fillers can be considered as inorganic polymers, the structure of which is represented by continuous tetrahedral and/or octahedral sheets formed as a result of condensation of silica-oxygen tetrahedra SiO4 and/or octahedral AlO6 [2, 3]. Such groupings (tetrahedral and octahedral) are the repeating units of an inorganic heteropolymer. 

Список литературы

1. Bobovich B.B. Nonmetallic construction materials:tutorial. - Moscow: МGIU, 2009. - 384 p.

2. Semchikov Yu.D. Inorganic polymers. Soros Educational Journal. - 1996, №10, P. 57-62.

3. Bergaya F., Lagaly G. Handbook of clay science. Developments in clay science 5. Second edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam. - 2013. 787 p.

4. Belchinskaya L.I., Voishcheva O.V. Studying the features of interactions of inorganic adsorbents with polyether lacquers by means of IR-spectroscopy // Paint and varnishes materials and their application (Russian). - 1996. № 2-3. - P. 33-35.

5. Belchinskaya L.I., Hodosova N.A., Novikova L.A. Different types of sorbents modification and their use in varnish and glutinous compositions // Adhesives in woodworking industry: materials of 18 international symposium, 5-7 September, 2005 / Technicka Universita vo Zvolene. - Zvolen, 2007. - P. 175-178.

6. Novikova L., Belchinskaya L., Roessner F., Alsawalha M. Characterization of surface acidity and catalytic ability of natural clay minerals by means of test catalytic reaction // Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia. - 2013. Vol. 10, № 4 (172). P. 475-484. 7. DOIhttps://doi.org/10.13168/AGG.2013.0047

7. Belchinskaya L.I., Novikova L.A., Khokhlov V.Yu., Lu Tkhi J., Kartel M.T. Surface chemistry and porosity of natural and activated aluminosilicate from montmorillonite and clinoptilolite // Chemistry, physics and technology of surface. - 2013, V.4, №4. P. 358-365.

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