Влияние электромагнитной обработки наполнителя на эмиссию формальдегида из клеевой композиции
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The effect of prior activation of natural zeolite filler (clinoptilolite) for adhesive compositions in the microwave electromagnetic field (EMF microwave) and a weak pulsed field (IMP) on the him adsorption-desorption properties was determined. The differences in the mechanisms of EMF exposure and weak microwave UTI on adsorption capacity of clinoptilolite was detected. Decrease of level of free formaldehyde emission of the cured adhesive composition is 23 %.

Ключевые слова:
clinoptilolit, adsorption, desorption, adhesive composition, electromagnetic activation

The most widely using in the production of modern MDF wood-based mate-rials received urea resins (UFR). In Europe, the proportion of UFR is 83% from the total binder of using adhesives, in Russia, this figure corresponds to 85%. Widespread this adhesives is received due to their technological, operational and economic properties. However, a significant disadvantage of these adhesives is their toxicity, which is determined by the content of free formaldehyde, which emissions leads to contamination of the premises. Proved ecotoxicity formaldehyde at the cellular level,

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