Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Негативное влияние шума на здоровье населения увеличивается с каждым годом. В статье описываются итальянский и российский подходы к оценке влияния шума. Акустический комфорт в городских районах зависит и от других факторов, влияющих на качество жизни. Представлены результаты оценки влияния шума. Рассматриваются модели распространения шума и отображения шума в России. Формализацию и моделирование транспортных потоков предлагается сделать с помощью диаграмм влияния. Описывается пример оценки транспортного шума в Италии.

Ключевые слова:
шум, влияние, оценка, здоровье, население
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1. Introduction

Noise negative impact is increasing every year [1-3]. More than 60 % of population of large cities is living in exceeding noise conditions [4-8, 11]. Disturbing acoustical impact is appreciated by half of Earth population [9, 10]. Damaging influence of intensive noise to the human's health is not restricted only by impact to ears. It is known, that noise is affecting to the human's central and vegetative nervous systems, influencing to the human's psychological condition etc.

In this paper some approaches and results of Italian and Russian experience of noise influence and perception are described.

Noise sources and perception of noise have been considered and relative actions planned according to a Participatory Design approach, where not only noise is considered as disease and annoyance factor.

The results of work are allowing reduce negative impact of noise to the human health and to estimate noise influence more efficiently.

2. The Russian Experience of Estimation of Noise Influence

2.1. General Approaches and Examples of Estimation of Noise Influence to the Population Health in Russia

In Russia for estimation of noise influence to the health of population typically different approaches are used:

  • analysis of inhabitants complaints to noise disturbance;
  • analysis and comparison of population sick rate in database of Russian medical institutions (polyclinics, hospitals etc) with measured results of noise measurement for the certain territories;
  • Inhabitants self-estimation of health state depending on the conditions of protection from noise disturbance etc.

The following criteria of determination of risk of noise damage of the population health are suggested by authors (table 1).

Список литературы

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3. J. D. Guillen Rodriguez, I. Lopez-Barrio, Inf luence of audio-visual interaction on urban sound environment, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV12), 11-14 July 2005, Lisbon, Portugal.

4. H. Wolfert. Noise in cities: general approach and European network solutions, Proceedings of “European strategies for noise reduction and management”, 2009.

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8. Vasilyev A. V., Rozenberg G. S. Monitoring akusticheskogo zagryazneniya selitebnoy territorii g. Tol’yatti i otsenka ego vliyaniya na zdorov’e naseleniya [The monitoring of acoustic pollution of residential areas in Togliatti and evaluation of its impact on public health]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in Technosphere]. 2007, I. 3, pp. 9-12. [Васильев А. В., Розенберг Г. С. Мониторинг акустического загрязнения селитебной территории г. Тольятти и оценка его влияния на здоровье населения. Безопасность в техносфере. 2007. № 3. С. 9-12.]

9. Vassiliev A. V. Recent approaches to environmental noise monitoring and estimation of its influence to the health of inhabitants. Proc. Of 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2007, ICSV 2007. С. 3242-3249.

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