Пекин, Китайская Народная Республика
Университет КАН
Пекин, Китайская Народная Республика
Пекин, Китайская Народная Республика
Пекин, Китайская Народная Республика
Иркутск, Россия
Иркутск, Россия
Иркутск, Россия
Иркутск, Россия
Мы проанализировали ионосферные параметры, в том числе критическую частоту слоя F2 (fоF2), высоту максимума слоя F2 (hmF2), и шкалу высот на hmF2 (HT) в период с 2006 по 2012 г. (восходящая фаза солнечной активности) на о. Хайнань (19.5° N, 109.1° E, маг. шир. 9.7° N), в Иркутске (52.4° N, 104.3° E, 42.2° N) и Норильске (69.2° N, 88.0° E, маг. шир. 59.8° N) (низкие, средние и высокие широты). Использовались обработанные вручную данные ионограмм дигизонда. Исследования суточно-сезонных колебаний fоF2 и hmF2 являются продолжением серии исследований, ранее проведенных для Восточной Азии. Особенности, характерные для восходящей и нисходящей фаз солнечной активности, в основном подобны, за исключением изменений hmF2 на закате и в ночное время. Особенности годовых и полугодовых вариаций, полученных дигизондом, подтверждаются данными, полученными с помощью спутников и карты полного электронного содержания. Мы также по-лучили сезонные, суточные, годовые и полугодовые вариации ионосферного параметра HT (шкала высот на hmF2), используя данные дигизонда, которые отличаются от вариаций fоF2 и hmF2.
ионосфера на разных широтах, суточно-сезонные вариации, годовые и полугодовые вариации, солнечная активность, ионосферные параметры, Восточно-Азиатский сектор
Ionospheric parameters such as the critical frequency of the F2 layer (fоF2) and the peak height of the F2 layer (hmF2) have been proved to have regional variations [Givishvili et al., 1982; Limberger et al., 2013]. Considering the features of the parameters associated with their geomagnetic latitude ϕ, the ionosphere can be divided into three latitude zones: low-latitude (ϕ<30°), mid-latitude (30°<ϕ<60°), and high-latitude (ϕ>60°) [Hunsucker, Hargreaves, 2003].
The ionospheric parameters also reveal diurnal-seasonal variations. Using electron density (Ne) data from the Indian SROSS C2 satellite for 1994–1997 at low and equatorial latitudes, Bhuyan et al. [2003] found that the electron density had a minimum before sunrise, a diurnal maximum during afternoon hours, a secondary enhancement in sunset hours of the June solstice, as well as seasonal and latitudinal variations. Basing on ionogram data acquired at American latitudes (–65.2° ÷
On the other hand, the ionospheric parameters have also annual and semi-annual variations. For example, for the peak density of the F2 layer NmF2, the winter anomaly or seasonal variation is that at mid-latitudes noontime NmF2 values are larger in winter than in summer. The semi-annual variation is that NmF2 is greater at equinox than at solstice, and the annual or non-seasonal variation is that NmF2 is greater around December solstice than around the June solstice by day as well as by night for both the Northern and Southern hemispheres [Appleton, Naismith, 1935; Zhao et al., 2007]. With TEC or ionosonde data, some authors re-ported that NmF2 annual variations were more significant at high latitudes than at low latitudes, were most pronounced at magnetic latitudes 40–60° with the winter anomaly occurring [Yonezawa, 1971; Yu et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2007]. Analyzing TEC or ionosonde data, some authors indicated that amplitudes of the NmF2 semi-annual variation were larger at low latitudes than at high ones, larger at noon than at midnight, and larger in solar maxima than in minima [Yonezawa, Arima, 1959; Yonezawa, 1971; Yu et al., 2004]. These results show that annual and semi-annual variations of the ionospheric parameters also have regional properties.
To learn more about variation features at different latitudes, we statically analyze and compare digisonde observation data from Hainan (19.5° N, 109.1° E, MLat. 9.7° N), Irkutsk (52.4° N, 104.3° E, MLat. 42.5° N) and Norilsk (69.2° N, 88.0° E, MLat. 59.8° N) for 2006–2012, acquired at low to high latitudes in East Asian sector. The ionospheric parameters such as the critical frequency of the F2 layer (fоF2), the peak height of the F2 layer (hmF2), and the scale height at hmF2 (HT) were obtained from manually scaled ionogram data. We also discuss common and specific features of diurnal-seasonal variations of these parameters measured at different latitudes during ascending phase of solar activity.
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