Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Приведены экспериментальные доказательства повышения контактных давлений, при которых достигается минимальное значение коэффициента трения, при введении в смазочное масло стандартной противоизносной присадки - диалкилдитиофосфата цинка (ZDDP). Предложена реологическая модель, позволяющая рассчитывать влияние противоизносных присадок на величину гидродинамических давлений в смазочном слое подшипников тепловых двигателей.

Ключевые слова:
противоизносные присадки, реологическая модель, коэффициент трения, подшипники скольжения, износ
Список литературы

1. Mukhortov, I. Rheological Model of a Boundary Layer of Lubricant / I. Mukhortov, E.Zadorozhnaya, I. Levanov // Society of Tribolo-gists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition. - Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia (USA), 2011.

2. Mukhortov, I.Multimolecular adsorption lubricants and its integration in the theory fluid friction/ I. Mukhortov, E. Zadorozhnaya, I. Levanov // Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition. - Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan (USA). - 2013. - Р. 147-149.

3. Mukhortov, I.The influence of poly-molecular ad-sorption on the rheological behaviour of lubricating oil in a thin layer/ I. Mukhortov, E. Zadorozhnaya, I. Levanov, K. Pochkaylo // FME Transactions. - 2015. - № 43 (3). - Р. 218-222.

4. Ryk, G. Testing piston rings with partial laser surface texturing for friction reduction / G. Ryk, I. Et-sion // Wear. -2006. - № 261. - Р. 792-796.

5. Felter, C.L..Numerical simulation of piston ring lubrication. / Christian Lotz. Felter // Tribology International. - 2008. -Vol. 41. - № 9-10. - Р. 914-919.

6. Shahmohamadi, H. On the boundary conditions in multi-phase flow through the piston ring-cylinder liner conjunction / H. Shahmohamadi, M. Mohammadpour, R. Rahmani, H. Rahnejat, C.P. Garner, S. Howell-Smith // Tribology International. - 2015). - № 90. - Р. 164-174.

7. Mishra, P.C. A Review of Piston Compression Ring Tribology / P.C. Mishra // Tribology in Industry. - 2014. -Vol. 36. - № 3. - Р. 269-280.

8. Bedajangam, S.K. Friction Losses between Piston Ring-Liner Assembly of Internal Combustion En-gine: A Review / S.K. Bedajangam, N.P. Jadhavb // International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. - 2013. - Vol. 3. - Is. 6,

9. Yanzhong, Wang. Wet Friction-Elements Boundary Friction Mechanism and Friction Coefficient Pre-diction / Wang Yanzhong, Wei Bin, Wu Xiangyu // Tribology in Industry. 2012. -Vol. 34. - № 4(2012). - Р. 198-205.

10. Tasdemir, Haci Abdullah. Friction and Wear Per-formance of Boundary-lubricated DLC/DLC Con-tacts in Synthetic base Oil / Haci Abdullah Tasde-mir, Takayuki Tokoroyama, Hiroyuki Kousaka, Noritsugu Umehara, Yutaka Mabuchi // Friction and Wear Performance of Boundary-lubricated DLC/DLC Contacts in Synthetic base Oil. - 2013. - Vol. 68. - Р. 518-524.

11. Komvopoulos, K. The mechanismof friction in boundary lubrication / K. Komvopoulos, N. Saka, N.P. Suh // Journal of Tribology. - 1985. - Vol. 107. - № 11. Р. 452- 462.

12. Liu, Y. Friction and adhesion in boundary lubrication measured by microtribometers / Y. Liu , S. Liu, W. Hild, J. Luo, J.A. Schaefer // Tribology International. - 2006. - Vol. 39. - Is. 12. - P. 1674-1681.

13. Maroto-Centeno, J-A. Prediction of fuel economy performance of engine lubricants based on laboratory bench tests. Original Research Article / José-Alberto Maroto-Centeno, Tomás Pérez-Gutiérrez, Luis Fernández-Ruíz-Morón, Manuel Quesada-Pérez // Tribology International. - 2016. - Vol. 94. - Р. 67-70.

14. Khemchandani, B. A biocompatible ionic liquid as an antiwear additive for biodegradable lubricants / Bhawna Khemchandani, A. Somers, P. Howlett, A.K. Jaiswal, E. Sayanna, Maria Forsyth // Tribolo-gy International. - 2014. - Vol. 77. - Р. 171-177.

15. Lenauer, C. Piston ring wear and cylinder liner tri-bofilm in tribotests with lubricants artificially al-tered with ethanol combustion products / Claudia Lenauer, Christian Tomastik, Thomas Wopelka, Martin Jech // Tribology International. - 2015. - Vol. 82. - Р. 415-422.

16. Xiang, Y. Measurement of lubricant viscosity and detection of boundary slip at high shear rates / Y.Xiang, Y. Meng, Y.Tian, J. Zhang, W. Liang // Tribology International,. - 2016. -Vol. 94. - Р. 20-25.

17. Otero, I. Friction and anti-wear properties of two tris (pentafluoroethyl) trifluorophosphate ionic liquids as neat lubricants /Inés Otero, Enriqueta R. López, Manuela Reichelt, JosefaFernández // Tri-bology International. - 2014. - Vol. 70. - Р. 104-111.

18. Katyal, P. Central film thickness formula for shear thinning lubricants in EHL point contacts under pure rolling / Puneet Katyal, Punit Kumar // Tribology International. - 2012. - Vol. 48. - Р.. 113-121.

19. Anuradha, P. EHL line contact central and mini-mum film thickness equations for lubricants with linear piezoviscous behavior / P. Anuradha, Punit Kumar // Tribology International. - 2011. - Vol. 44. Is. 10. - Р. 1257-1260.

20. Cho, Y-K. Molecular tribology of lubricants and additives / Yoon-Kyoung Cho, Lenore Cai, Steve Granick// Tribology International. - 1997. - Vol. 30. - Is. 12. - Р. 889-894.

21. Sinhasan, R. Static and dynamic performance cha-racteristics of an orifice compensated hydrostatic journal bearing with non-Newtonian lubricants / R. Sinhasan, P.L. Sah, // Tribology International. - 1996. - Vol. 29. - Is. 6. - Р. 515-526.

22. Waara, P. Additive influence on wear and friction performance of environmentally adapted lubricants / P.Waara, J. Hannu, T. Norrby, A. Byheden // Tribology International. - 2001. - Vol. 34. - Is. 8. - Р. 547-556.

23. Truhan, J. A rig test to measure friction and wear of heavy duty diesel engine piston rings and cylinder liners using realistic lubricants / John J. Truhan, Jun Qu, Peter J. Blau // Tribology International. - 2005. - Vol. 38. - Is. 3. - Р. 211-218.

24. Zadorozhnaya, E.A. The research of non-Newtonian properties and rheology of thin lubricant layers in hydrodynamic journal bearings / E.A. Za-dorozhnaya // Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition. - 2013. - Р. 95-97.

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