The textbook has been prepared on the basis of current Russian legislation, which is important for the organization and implementation of administrative activities of internal affairs bodies ensuring the protection of public order and public safety in order to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations and associations, and consists of two parts: Common and Special. The main directions, goals and objectives of the administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies, the powers and competencies of police services and units to ensure law and order in the territory of the Russian Federation are disclosed. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students, cadets and trainees of higher educational institutions studying in the field and specialty "Jurisprudence", as well as for teachers and practitioners.
The textbook has been prepared on the basis of current Russian legislation, which is important for the organization and implementation of administrative activities of internal affairs bodies ensuring the protection of public order and public safety in order to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations and associations, and consists of two parts: Common and Special. The main directions, goals and objectives of the administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies, the powers and competencies of police services and units to ensure law and order in the territory of the Russian Federation are disclosed. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students, cadets and trainees of higher educational institutions studying in the field and specialty "Jurisprudence", as well as for teachers and practitioners.