Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
The manual consists of 34 tests on the Latin language, which test linguistic terminology, phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and word formation of the Latin language of the classical period. The tests are grouped into sections: phonetics, morphology, syntax, and case functions. Each test consists of two parts: the first part (the first ten questions) tests knowledge of theory, the second part (the second ten questions) contains practical tasks in the Latin language. The tests correspond to the federal state educational standard in the discipline “Ancient Languages and Cultures” for training areas 44.03.01 “Pedagogical Education”, 45.03.01 “Philology”, 45.03.02 “Linguistics”, as well as for other humanitarian areas of university training. At the end of the manual there is a Latin-Russian dictionary, which presents the words used in the tests. The manual is intended for students of higher educational institutions, high school students, as well as for everyone interested in the Latin language.
Latin, university, tests
1. Vinnichuk L. Latinskiy yazyk. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1985. 327 s.
2. Dvoreckiy I.H. Latinsko-russkiy slovar'. M.: Russkiy yazyk, 1976. 1096 s.
3. Deryugin A.A., Luk'yanovoy L.M. Latinskiy yazyk: Uchebnik dlya vuzov po napravleniyu i special'nosti "Filologiya". M.: Progress-Tradiciya; Infra-M, 2003. 382 s.
4. Kagan Yu.M. Uchebnik latinskogo yazyka. Osnovnoy kurs. M.: Radiks, 1985. 368 s.
5. Kacman N.L. Latinskiy yazyk: uchebnik / N.L. Kacman, Z.A. Pokrovskaya. M.: Vlados, 2018. 483 s.
6. Kochetkova V.K., Soboleva E.V. Latinskiy yazyk dlya nachinayuschih. M.: Vostochnaya kniga, 2009. 544 s.
7. Miroshenkova V.I., Fedorov N.A. Uchebnik latinskogo yazyka. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1976. 300 s.
8. Podosinov A.V., Schaveleva N.I. Lingua Latina. Vvedenie v latinskiy yazyk i antichnuyu kul'turu. Chast' I. M.: Progress, 1994. 192 s.
9. Podosinov A.V., Schaveleva N.I. Lingua Latina. Vvedenie v latinskiy yazyk i antichnuyu kul'turu. Chast' II. M.: Progress, 1994. 256 s.
10. Popov A.N., Shendyapin P.M. Latinskiy yazyk dlya universitetov i institutov inostrannyh yazykov. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1970. 432 s.
11. Tananushko K.A. Latinsko-russkiy slovar'. Moskva, Minsk: AST; Harvest, 2002. 1040 s.
12. Yarho V.N., Loboda V.I., Kacman N.L. i dr. Latinskiy yazyk. M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2002.384 s.