Abstract (English):
The textbook describes the basics of the art and culture of hospitality, hospitality as part of modern business, modern models of hospitality, hospitality as a component of everyday life, hospitality in everyday life, the technology of meeting and greeting guests, the rules of greeting in the premises, on the street, the norms and rules of professional behavior and business etiquette, the basics of departmental etiquette, relations in professional activities, communication by phone, methods of holding various events, presentations and receptions, culinary art of different peoples and much more. Nine practical works are described in detail, as well as independent work in the study of the discipline of MDK. 01.01 "The art of hospitality". For students of secondary vocational education institutions. It can be used when mastering the module PM. 01 "Management of household management" for the specialty 43.02.08 "Service of household and communal services".