Abstract (English):
The textbook presents the main theoretical provisions, evaluation tools, laboratory work and homework for the courses of the electrical cycle. It is intended for self-study of the main sections of theoretical electrical engineering. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For bachelors and undergraduates studying in the areas of training 15.03/04.04 "Automation of technological processes and production", 27.03/04.04 "Management in technical systems", 13.03.01 "Heat power engineering and heat engineering", 15.03.02 "Technological machines and equipment", 09.03.01 "Informatics and computer engineering", 09.03.02 "Information systems and technologies", 29.03.01 "Technology of light industry products", 29.03.02 "Technologies and design of textile products", 29.03.04 "Technology of artistic processing of materials", 27.03.01 "Standardization and metrology", 18.03.01 "Chemical technology", 20.03.01 "Technosphere safety", 15.03.06 "Mechatronics and robotics" of all forms of education studying the disciplines "Electrical Engineering", "Electrical Engineering and fundamentals of electronics", "Electrical Engineering and industrial electronics", "Electrical engineering, fundamentals of electronics and automation". Theoretical provisions, scientific, practical and methodological recommendations can be useful when studying the disciplines of the master's program " Electrotechnical complexes and systems. Energy saving".